DRELLO Ballistic and Industrial Stroboscopic Systems
We are pleased to be representing DRELLO Ing. Paul Drewell GmbH & Co. KG from Mönchengladbach, Germany. DRELLO offers a wide range of both ballistic and industrial stroboscopic systems.
Their line of ballistic products includes complete solutions for ammunition testing - receivers, test barrels, weapon fixtures, light screen chronographs, electronic target systems, material testing, high speed photography/video and other capabilities.
DRELLO's line of stroboscopic equipment is extensive and is in wide use for a number of industries. From print and surface inspection to many kinds of applications in the areas of engineering, scientific research, and image processing, DRELLO has a stroboscopic solution. Devices are available for both fixed and handheld applications.
Much more information is available at DRELLO's Web site:
Contact us if you would like either more information or a quote on DRELLO ballistic or stroboscopic systems.
Contact us for a quote:
Telephone: 757.224.7233 or E-mail: info@goldmedalshooting.com
209 Upland Drive Hampton, VA 23666